Website Bibliography
(School Website Project Proposal)
A Development Legacy Project to establish global identity and
create a link to the world for Capiz National High School,
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz 5800, Philippines
create a link to the world for Capiz National High School,
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz 5800, Philippines
Project Proponent: Eric S. Villamor
Proponent’s Association to Organization:
Project proponent is a graduate of B.S. in Industrial Education major in Electrical Technology at the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology. He got interested in the field of Information Technology and after college, he earned certificates in PC operations, programming and web design at STI-Roxas (now DAVC) and diploma as Web Page Designer at Education Direct now Penn Foster Career School, a distant learning school based in Pennsylvania, USA.
Being interested with the project idea, the proponent has been designated as School ICT coordinator. He attended a preparatory training and seminar on Visayas Wide Teachers’ Training Workshop in School Website Development with his alma mater Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (W.V.C.S.T.) and the Association of Science and Mathematics Coaches of the Philippines (AsMaC) last May 9-12, 2011 with the proponent’s expenditure, introduced to the world’s most popular Joomla! CMS (Content Management Software), as a tool in building a website.
Beforehand, the proponent has been equipped with experiences in coaching Webpage design competitions and other ICT related contests under the Student Technologist and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (S.T.E.P.), representing the school in the division, regional and even up to the national level.
The Supreme Student Government (SSG) is the implementing agency for this project, one of the recognized organizations of the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA). The proponent has chosen SSG in the sense that it is the most prominent organization in the school that has greater influence when it comes to students' activities and projects in school since time immemorial.
These SSG Officers who will be in hand to implement the project and later become the Alumni of the school could still best serve as a great and potential asset for they will be part of the school website. The most significant part is that they have implemented a development legacy project that will be managed, sustained and improved by the direct beneficiaries in the persons of the members of the school web development team.
School Administration and other source/s
Proponent’s contribution: Talent, skills, effort and resources
Proponent’s contribution: Talent, skills, effort and resources
In the past many decades, Capiz National High School does not have an online presence. If anybody would search on the internet about “Capiz National High School” using any search engine e.g. google, yahoo, etc. the returned results are not the official one. There are probably blogs, Facebook accounts, or any websites that mentions only about Capiz National High School being maintained maybe by the student/s or any group of individuals or organizations which is not recognized by the school.
The main reason why the proponent exerts much effort to this project is to offer Capiz National High School an online presence development legacy project which will be recognized and will be declared an official website by the school administration.
The proposed official website will contain articles that truly portray the school to showcase its best practices, excellence and culture, provide a way of reaching alumni and friends throughout the world and open an avenue for information drive and fund raising activity for school projects.
The structures of menus and categories of the proposed official website are visible on the side menus. Bulletin Board, Main menu and Related Linkages.
“A healthy website must contain fresh articles” as what really Joomla!’s Content Management System’s intentions to well manage the contents. The school needs a web development teams who are acting as school website contact persons and Editors in respective categories, their main function is to write/edit articles and they are organized in the Contact Us menu: List of contact categories and contact persons and editors comprising the web development team.
Setting up a website entails expenses even though it is a non-profit one. But the proponent (webmaster) will charge a very minimal fee in the form of incentives extended to the web development team provided by the school administration and other sources if any. The proponent quoted a discussion in an internet forum at: in the thread: “Average Cost of a Website”, it gained many responses and caught the proponent’s attention and found it intriguing. Click here to browse their discussions.
In order not to sell the proponent’s (webmaster’s) skills, talent and effort short, the proponent will incorporate a free joomla module by Jodee Millman downloaded at a donation thermometer expressing the primary purpose in its title: Donate to Support Us and in its content text; Donations will go to: Hosting payments, Professional and Technical Development of School's ICT and Incentives to the web development team, contributors and webmaster.
Although there is source of fund mentioned for web hosting expenditures, donations will be utilized as reserved in case of delayed funding and on advanced hosting payments. In case there will be trainings or seminar workshops and even schooling that could promote to the professional and technical development of school’s ICT there is a reserved fund to be utilized.
Since the proponent is an ICT teacher and also designated as School ICT Coordinator, wishes to implement a project in order to improve the ICT facilities of the school, namely; replace the 20-unit and 10-year old PCs which the proponent has been maintaining since he started teaching ICT subjects; and accept donations that will go also to any other relevant ICT development projects that the proponent can think of.
The caption in the donate button is subject to change as the need arises, that will solicit the support of some jaunty donors and stakeholders who contribute to the development of school ICT projects, and attain the objective of an avenue for information drive and fund raising activity.
As the title of the project implies:
A Development Legacy Project to establish global identity and
create a link to the world for Capiz National High School,
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz 5800, Philippines
create a link to the world for Capiz National High School,
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz 5800, Philippines
This school website project aims to:
Hence, the school got no online presence; this is now the solution, implementing this project will establish the school’s global identity, Capiz National High School will not limit its fame locally but it will expand globally.
Capiz National High School is a recognized Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) school, Science & Technology oriented school, highly regarded as best performing Division Leader School (DLS) of the Department of Education – Division of Capiz, Region VI and gained international recognitions. This website will showcase the best practices, excellence and culture of the school which can be proudly exposed globally.
Most alumni will miss their alma mater and in order for them to become updated in terms of the latest events, programs, school development and needs, all they have to do is visit the Official Website of Capiz National High School.
Many alumni wanted to give something in return to their alma mater and the same to some stakeholders. It is a challenge to the web development team to enable this project achieves this objective: An avenue for information drive and fund raising activity for school projects.
The term “A Development Legacy Project…” is used in its title context means that it is a continuous development, the proponent aspire to exceed beyond what he has been think to incorporate in the school website, if given a chance to improve both technically and professionally the proponent is willing to share it without any hesitation since, he’s been in this institution since 2001, teaching Information and Communication Technology subjects.
This is a non-profit but a development legacy project by the proponent extended to the Supreme Student Government as implementing agency. It only aims to establish school global identity and create a link to the world, showcase school best practices, excellence and culture, provide way of reaching alumni and friends throughout the world and open an avenue for information drive and fund raising activity for school projects.
The development of both human and school material resources is the focus of this project. It could develop human resources in the sense that it will give opportunity to the members of the school web development team engage in honing their skills and talents in article writing as nowadays trends online freelance, part time, or full time job, and in performing such talent it could extend a little in terms of their financial resources by receiving incentives. They will also have the opportunity to attend trainings and seminar workshops and even schooling that could promote to the professional and technical development of school Information and Communication Technology (ICT), if there is a reserved fund to be utilized.
Attaining the fund raising activity objective will rely mainly to the talents of each web development team members in encouraging jaunty donors and stakeholders to contribute to the development of both school human and material resources. It’s a challenge! In order to attain the project objectives, members of the web development team especially the editors they must possess some of the following profiles:
- Good command of the English language.
- A flair for writing with an understanding of what works on the internet.
- An ability to work in a team with good communication skills.
- An effective writing style that is fresh, consistent and friendly. A knack for editing and proof reading with good research skills.
- Ability to write in a variety of formats and styles for multiple and varied audiences.
- An understanding of keywords and meta tags e.g. ability to write web page titles, meta tag descriptions, alt tags for images etc.
- With a direct access to the internet and favorably owns a laptop.
- An article must contain not less than 300 words.
- Photographs in an article must be in .jpeg format, an ideal file size shall not exceed 30KB, 72dpi resolution, 240px to 330px in length or width and must be aligned left; in some cases where there is a need to use wide photograph it shall not exceed 500px wide and shall be center aligned. Logos or small images must be in .gif or .png formats;
- Always take into consideration that the article content shall revolve only to achieve the school website objectives and must be duly signed and approved by immediate superiors and school principal before publishing.
Management and administration of the Project will be implemented as directed by its objectives and the rationale requiring the utilization of the leadership capabilities of the Supreme Student Government (SSG) as the implementing agency for this project. Their roles to perform are to formulate and to implement the following resolutions and implementing standards:
- Formulate a resolution to allow the proponent to conduct and implement the official school website project.
- Identify source/s of annual budget for the school website expenses, includes annual hosting payment, incentives to web development team and other expenses. The following groups listed below will be required or solicited to allocate a permanent annual budget for the school website Hosting payments (includes updates of subscriptions to commercial components, plug-ins, modules and template builder), Incentives to the web development team, contributors and webmaster.
- School Administration
- Parents and Teachers Association
- CapizNHS Cooperative
- Alumni and,
- Any identified stakeholders who are interested to support the project to keep the website exist on the web in return they will also be part of the school website,
- Formulate implementing standards in accounting and auditing or seek assistance and advice from the school accountant in order to perform proper accounting and auditing of the budget allocated by the source/s.
- Encourage representative from each groups listed below to become a member of the school web development team to act as editor and contact person in school website by sending communication to them:
- A. School Administration;
- Office of the Principal (Secretary)
- Administrative Section (Administrative Officer)
- Accounting Section (Accountant)
- Supply Section (Supply Officer)
- Records Section (School Records In-charge)
- Guidance and Counseling (Guidance Counselor)
- School Library (School Librarian)
- Health and Sanitation (School Nurse)
- B. School Curriculum Program Coordinators
- BEC Coordinators (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
- SSTC Coordinator
- SOF Coordinator
- SPA Coordinator
- SPFL Coordinator
- Night Class Coordinator
- ALS Coordinator
- C. School Department Heads
- Filipino Department Head
- English Department Head
- Science and Technology Department Head
- Mathematics Department Head
- Social Studies Department Head
- TLE Department Head
- MAPEH Department Head
- Values Education Department Head
- D. School Publications
- Script Adviser and Editor In-chief
- Kasanag Adviser and Editor In-chief
- E. School CSCA
- STEP Adviser and Secretary
- YECS Adviser and Secretary
- YES-O Adviser and Secretary
- F. School Red Cross Youth Adviser and Secretary
- G. Boy Scouting Troop Leader and Senior Boy Scout
- H. Girl Scouting Troop Leader and Senior Girl Scout
- I. Rotary International Interact Club Adviser and Secretary
- J. Parents and Teachers Association Secretary
- K. CANHISTEA Secretary
- L. CapizNHS Cooperative Secretary
- Conduct seminar training workshop on how each identified/qualified Editors perform their role being a part of the school web development team to be conducted by the proponent (webmaster) and organized by the SSG.
- Formulate standards on granting incentives to school web development team; Editors, Contributors and webmaster.
Website Policy Flow Structure
Once the project is in its full implementation, the project will follow a policy that is illustrated in the figure below representing the website policy flow structure and the relationships between Site Visitor, Editors, Immediate Superiors, School Principal and Webmaster.
Everything starts from visiting the Official Website of Capiz National High School, visitor gain access as usual to public browsing of articles. Unpublished articles are not accessible to public users and editors. Registered or Special access level article is not accessible to public users, it is accessible only to registered or special users (editors to be specific).
If you are not a member of the school web development team but willing to post an article to our website that you truly feel you can help promote and support to achieve our school website objectives, you may contact any editors that you feel your article category belongs to, or you may contact the webmaster and submit your article.
Web Development Team Responsibilities
The items below are the brief description of the responsibilities and relationships between Editors, Immediate Superiors, School Principal and Webmaster.
Editors – qualified members of the school web development team, with two main responsibilities to perform: Act as contact persons in the school website and represent as writer/editor of their own article in their respective category. They have the freedom to write an article that is related to their category or as per instruction based on standards set by the webmaster and/or their immediate superior and/or by the school principal. (Please refer to the Contact Us side menu for complete list of Editors and Contact Persons)
Editors – qualified members of the school web development team, with two main responsibilities to perform: Act as contact persons in the school website and represent as writer/editor of their own article in their respective category. They have the freedom to write an article that is related to their category or as per instruction based on standards set by the webmaster and/or their immediate superior and/or by the school principal. (Please refer to the Contact Us side menu for complete list of Editors and Contact Persons)
Editors must possess some of the following profiles:
- Good command of the English language.
- A flair for writing with an understanding of what works on the internet.
- An ability to work in a team with good communication skills.
- An effective writing style that is fresh, consistent and friendly. A knack for editing and proof reading with good research skills.
- Ability to write in a variety of formats and styles for multiple and varied audiences.
- An understanding of keywords and meta tags e.g. ability to write web page titles, meta tag descriptions, alt tags for images etc.
- With a direct access to the internet and favorably owns a laptop.
Curriculum Program Coordinators – They belong to Curriculum Program Editors category and could also act as Editor or they can recommend someone within their jurisdiction. They are the immediate superior who will approve and sign the article created by the editor within their category, if they will act as editor their immediate superior is the school principal. They could directly require curriculum program editor within their jurisdiction to write article they want to publish on the website as long as it is related to certain category.
Department Heads – They belong to Academic Editors category and could also act as Editor or they can recommend someone within their jurisdiction. They are the immediate superior who will approve and sign the article created by the editor within their category, if they will act as editor their immediate superior is the school principal. They could directly require academic editor within their jurisdiction to write article that they want to publish on the website as long as it is related to certain category.
School Principal – The overall Chief of the school website approves or dis-approves the article to be published on the school website except for PTA, CANHISTEA and CapizNHS Cooperative Articles. The school principal could directly require any editor to write article the school principal wants to publish on the website as long as it is related to certain category.
Webmaster – Responsible to the look and feel of the school website, publisher of the articles approved for publishing, archives hard copies of published articles and liable to school web development team’s technical advancement. The webmaster is also responsible to strictly implement the below guidelines in article writing:
Department Heads – They belong to Academic Editors category and could also act as Editor or they can recommend someone within their jurisdiction. They are the immediate superior who will approve and sign the article created by the editor within their category, if they will act as editor their immediate superior is the school principal. They could directly require academic editor within their jurisdiction to write article that they want to publish on the website as long as it is related to certain category.
School Principal – The overall Chief of the school website approves or dis-approves the article to be published on the school website except for PTA, CANHISTEA and CapizNHS Cooperative Articles. The school principal could directly require any editor to write article the school principal wants to publish on the website as long as it is related to certain category.
Webmaster – Responsible to the look and feel of the school website, publisher of the articles approved for publishing, archives hard copies of published articles and liable to school web development team’s technical advancement. The webmaster is also responsible to strictly implement the below guidelines in article writing:
- An article must contain not less than 500 words and not less than 5 paragraphs.
- Photographs in an article must be in .jpeg format, an ideal file size shall not exceed 30KB, 72 dpi resolution, 240px to 330px in length or width and must be aligned left; in some cases where there is a need to use wide photograph it shall not exceed 500px wide and shall be center aligned. Logos or small images must be in .gif or .png formats.
- Always take into consideration that the article content shall revolve only to achieve the school website objectives and must be duly signed and approved by immediate superiors and/or by the school principals before publishing.
Editors upon writing of articles needs approval by their respective immediate superiors and/or by the school principal, once approved webmaster will publish it to the World Wide Web. Every group of editors has their own respective immediate superiors for recommending approval and needs further approval by the school principal:
- School Admin Editors, their immediate superior is the school principal whom will approve their article/s.
- Curriculum Program Editors, their immediate superior is their respective coordinators for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- Academic Editors, their immediate superior is their respective department heads for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- School Publication Editors, their immediate superior is their adviser and department heads whom the school publication belongs to (English and Filipino Department) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- School CSCA Editors, their immediate superior is their adviser and department heads whom the CSCA organization belongs to (Social Studies - SSG, TLE - STEP and YECS and Science Department - YES-O) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- School Red Cross Youth Editors, their immediate superior is their adviser and department head whom the RCY organization belongs to (Science Department) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- Boy Scouting Editors, their immediate superior is their troop leader and department head whom the BSP organization belongs to (MAPEH Department) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- Girl Scouting Editors, their immediate superior is their troop leader and department head whom the GSP organization belongs to (MAPEH Department) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- Rotary International Interact Club, their immediate superior is their adviser and department head whom the RIIC organization belongs to (Social Studies Department) for recommending approval, then the school principal for approval.
- PTA Editor, his immediate superior is the PTA President.
- CANHISTEA Editor, his immediate superior is the CANHISTEA President.
- CapizNHS Cooperative Editor, his immediate superior is the CapizNHS Cooperative Manager.
The table below illustrates the direct relationship between Editors, Immediate Superior/s, School Principal and Webmaster.
The assumed amount needed for the project will cost ?,
the following are the breakdown of expenses:
the following are the breakdown of expenses:
12 months hosting payment and other online transaction charges:
3-day Training seminar workshop for school web development team:
Registration fee: ID, Hand-outs, Certificates, Food
Registration fee: ID, Hand-outs, Certificates, Food
Additional food expenses for persons running the training and VIP's:
School web development team incentives:
Incentives to the Trainer (webmaster), facilitators and other expenses:
Project Pre Implementation Activities | Remarks |
Presentation and deliberation of the project to the School Principal by the proponent. | |
Presentation and deliberation of the project to the SSG (implementing agency) by the proponent. | |
SSG formulation of resolutions and standards. | |
1. Formulate a resolution to allow the proponent to conduct and implement the official school website project. | |
2. Identify and solicit or request source of annual budget for the school website hosting payment, incentives to web development team and contributors and other expenses. | |
3. Formulate implementing standards in accounting and auditing or seek assistance and advice from the school accountant in order to perform proper accounting and auditing of the budget allocated by the source/s. | |
4. Encourage representative from different groups to become members of the web development team. | |
5. Prepare seminar training workshop for school web development team. | |
6. Set up the website online in relation to the conduct of seminar training workshop for school web development team. | |
7. Formulate standards on granting incentives to school web development team and contributors. | |
Project Implementation Activities | |
Implementation of resolutions and standards. | |
1. Implementation of the official school website project recognized, funded and declared officially by the school administration as mandated by the resolution of the SSG. | |
2. Annual collection of hosting payment, incentives to web development team and other expenses to identified source/s of fund. | |
3. Accounting and auditing of the budget allocated by the source/s. | |
4. Conducting of seminar training workshop for school web development team and contributors. | |
5. Organization of members of the school web development team (Election of Officers). | |
6. Implementation of the standards on granting incentives to school web development team and contributors. | |
7. Site maintenance | Year Round Process |
Site Maintenance
The tables below illustrate the detailed explanation about site maintenance when the project will be fully implemented. The writing and editing of articles and updating of the website look and feel are a whole year round process. Since, there is a designated editor for each category every editor can do the common task they need to perform anytime of the year but it is strongly recommended that the best time to write articles is when the activities or events are in their peak schedule, meaning it is still hot and fresh.
Main Menu | Categories | Editor In-charge |
Home | Featured Articles | All Editors who wrote an article in any categories and set to Featured Article |
About Us | About Us | School Profile: webmaster-data from ebeis and Anyone assigned by the school principal to update certain category with the assistance of the webmaster. |
Bulletin Board Menu | 1School Calendar 2Updates 3Learning Resources 4Support Us 5Site Bibliography 6Terms and Conditions | 1All editors with the assistance of the webmaster. 2All editors who posted a duly approved announcements. 3Anyone who posted a duly approved Learning Resource Materials. 4Webmaster 5Webmaster 6Web Development Team |
Curricular Program | 1Basic Education Curriculum 2Special Sci. & Tech. Class 3School of the Future 4Special Program for the Arts 5Special Program for Foreign Language 6Alternative Learning System 7Night Class | 1BEC Editors (1st yr. to 4th yr) 2SSTC Editor 3SOF Editor 4SPA Editor 5SPFL Editor 6ALS Editor 7Night Class Editor |
Academics | 1Filipino 2English 3Science and Technology 4Mathematics 5Social Studies 6TLE 7MAPEH 8Values Education | 1Filipino Dept. Editor 2English Dept. Editor 3Science Dept. Editor 4Math Dept. Editor 5Social Stud. Dept. Editor 6TLE Dept. Editor 7MAPEH Dept. Editor 8Values Ed. Dept. Editor |
School Publication | 1The Script 2Ang Kasanag | 1Script Adviser and Script Editor in-chief 2Kasanag Adviser and Kasanag Editor in-chief |
School CSCA | 1SSG 2STEP 3YECS 4YES-O | 1SSG Adviser and SSG Secretary 2STEP Adviser and STEP Secretary 3YECS Adviser and YECS Secretary 4YES-O Adviser and YES-O Secretary |
Extra-Curricular Activities | 1Boy Scouting 2Girl Scouting 3Red Cross Youth 4Rotary International Interact Club | 1School BSP Troop Leader and Senior Boy Scout 2School GSP Troop Leader and Senior Girl Scout 3RCY Adviser and RCY Secretary 4RIIC Adviser and RCY Secretary |
School Administration | 1Office of the Principal 2Guidance Office 3School Library 4Health & Sanitation 5Administrative Section 6Accounting Section 7Supply Section 8Records Section | 1Secretary 2Guidance Counselor 3Librarian 4School Nurse 5Administrative Officer 6School Accountant 7Supply Officer 8School Records In-Charge |
Related Linkages | 1Alumni 2PTA 3CapizNHS Cooperative 4CANHISTEA | 1Alumni Representative/s 2PTA Secretary 3CapizNHS Coop. Secreatary 4CANHISTEA Secretary |
Contact Us | webmaster | |
Sitemap | webmaster | |
Login Form | webmaster |
In the course of the conduct of the seminar-training workshop for the school web development team, each participant-editor must bring along some articles to be published first on the school website as his first requirement output, and they will be required also to create an action plan as his final output. The purpose of action plan is to help members of the web development team attaining their aims in performing their tasks as well as attaining the school website objectives.
The action plan created will serve as a tool for monitoring and evaluation. The table below describes the format and guidelines in accomplishing an action plan.
Schedule of monitoring and evaluation shall be done on these three schedules every school year:
- Before the new school year begins: will focus mostly on issues regarding to the opening of classes and issues about summer events and activities.
- In the middle of the school year, semestral break preferably: will focus mostly on different issues that have transpired on the first semester and in preparation for the second semester.
- Before the school year ends: will focus mostly on different issues that have transpired last second semester and in preparation for the summer events and activities.
During the monitoring and evaluation it will tackle the following activities:
- A gathering of all web development team members.
- Enhancing the low performing element through evaluation of the previous plan
- Giving lectures: To address web development team technical advancement, to be conducted by the webmaster or will invite resource person only if affordable.
- Conducting open forum: To address difficulties, sharing of ideas and further discussion for more improvements.
If anybody would search now on the internet about “Capiz National High School” using any search engine e.g. google, yahoo, etc. there is now an official one returned among the results, being maintained by the school web development team which is recognized by the school administration; it will now compete to multiple results returned by search engines such as blogs, Facebook accounts or any websites that mention only about Capiz National High School.
The school web development team is the direct beneficiaries of this project; of course they will continue the significance of this development legacy project implemented by the Supreme Student Government who will soon graduate their high school. The extent of desirability of this project to its direct beneficiaries will depend mainly to their positive attitudes such as dedication and perseverance on how they will perform best their vital role to attain the school website project objectives, aside from that they have all the opportunities to go beyond it.
It is now easy to portray the school to showcase its best practices, excellence and culture, the school website now can provide way of reaching alumni and friends throughout the world and open an avenue for information drive and fund raising activity for school projects.
Since this is a non-profit but a development legacy project, the proponent aspires to exceed beyond what he has been thinking of to incorporate in the school website, if given the chance to improve both technically and professionally, the proponent is willing to share it without any hesitation.
The table below illustrates the lists for further development that the school will incorporate in its website. The implementations of these items on the list are on a pre-requisite manner that will depend mainly to the stratum observable to the members of the school web development team members.
Task / Web Service | Stratum scale | Indicator /Beneficiaries | ||||
2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | ||
1. Dedication to the school website being a member of the school web development team. And articles written conforms to the standards set by the webmaster. | Frequent submission of articles and visitors read quality articles | |||||
2. Search Engine Optimization | High ranking of school website to common search engines. | |||||
3. Create each category their own donate button. | Donor can specifically choose a recipient whom to donate. | |||||
4. Avenue to showcase students’ school projects. | Showcased students school projects globally. | |||||
5. Learning Resources, Online school library system | Online publication of learning resource materials authored locally within CapizNHS family. | |||||
6. Class schedule directory | Any visitor who wants to browse class schedule | |||||
7. Free Automated DepEd forms for secondary and elementary teacher advisers. | All secondary and elementary DepEd teachers who find it useful can use it. | |||||
8. Participate in website competitions | Competitive school website. | |||||
9.Social network of CapizNHS alumni. | Alumni online meeting place. | |||||
10. Social network of CapizNHS teachers. | Submission of grades, giving remarks to students, results of ranking, etc. will be fast and easy. | |||||
The webmaster is open for any suggestions for further development of this school website project, both human and material development. |
There are a lot of services that can be incorporated in the school website for the benefit of interested visitors who will find it useful to them, but the proponent cannot implement them yet for the following reasons:
- The proponent cannot yet conceptualize it in full detail.
- The experiences of both members of the school web development team as well as the webmaster are still at the beginning stage and considered as young and fresh in maintaining a school website.
- The school web development team needs further training and experience not limited only to the training to be conducted by the webmaster.
Upon the preparation of this project plan the proponent does not guarantee to the completeness and permanence of the different elements mentioned in this school website project. Elements mentioned are subject to change, they may be modified, improved, removed or may have some additional elements to truly improve the website in relation to site maintenance whom considered as a non-stop process.
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